Heat Flux Sensor – gSKIN®-XP

479.00CHF - 489.00CHF
Sensing Dimensions (mm):
10.0 x 10.0 x 0.5
Heat Flux Range Min / Max [kW/m²]:
-150 / 150
Noise Equivalent Heat Flux per area [W/m²] / absolute [μW]:
0.073 / 7.3 (experimentally evaluated values under optimal steady state conditions).
Detector Type:
Temperature Difference Resolution [μK]:
Surface Material (Sensing Area):
Max. Compressive Force when clamped [kgf]:
< 10
Response Time (0-95%) [s]:
0.7 (Refers to the heat flux measurement).
Operating Temperature Range Min/Max [°C]:
-50 / 150
Min /Avg. Sensitivity (S) [μV/(W/m²)]:
10.0/20.0 (only a reference point)
Calibration Accuracy [±%]:
Homogeneity [±%]:
1 (Position dependent signal change across sensing area).
Thermal Conductivity [W/(m*K)]:
Linearity with Power [±%]:
Temperature Dependence of S [%/°C]:
0.25 (The sensitivity increases (decreases) as the temperature goes above (below) 22.5°C).
Electrical Resistance [Ohm]:
< 150
Heat Flux Resolution per area [W/m2] with gSKIN® DLOG / absolute [μW]:
0.09 / 9.0 (Guaranteed minimum heat flux resolution using the gSKIN® DLOG-4219).
Calibration Temperature Range Min/Max [°C]:
-30 / 70 (Conductive heat flux calibration cohering to the ISO8301 standard with mean temperature of 22.5°C).
Flexprint Length (f) [cm]:
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Product Overview

Our medium-sized heat flux sensor, with superior quality, accuracy, and responsiveness. Available both without and with connector (at a cost of +10 CHF).


  • Ultra-high resolution of thermal energies and temperature differences.
  • Low invasiveness and thickness.
  • Models with connector compatible with all gSKIN®DLOG Data Loggers.
  • All sensors with conductive heat flux calibration cohering to ISO 8301.
  • Applications: R&D, thermal optimization, energy efficiency, industrial monitoring of thermal properties.


gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensors Datasheet


How to connect a gSKIN Sensor to a DAQ-Pro Read-Out Device

If you are interested to purchase in larger quantities, please contact shop@greenTEG.com